
Théo Mercier - La possession du monde n'est pas ma priorité

Théo Mercier - Publisher Dilecta - Ouvrage relié - 368 pages - Text in Bilingue Français / English - Published in 2020

Sélection J'aime Le Livre d'Art - The first-ever monograph on Théo Mercier’s work. Interview with Théo Mercier by Jean-Hubert Martin, texts by Marie de Brugerolle and Sohrab Mohebbi

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Model 9782373720822
Artist Théo Mercier
Author Théo Mercier, Céline Peychet, Grégoire Robinne
Publisher Dilecta
Format Ouvrage relié
Number of pages 368
Language Bilingue Français / English
Dimensions 300 x 220
Technique(s) 19 pages pliées, 260 images
Published 2020
Weight 1.95

Coming from engineering studies (and not from the classical course of the fine arts), Théo Mercier flirts with performance and sound production, frees himself from good taste, shamelessly picks up on cultures which are not the his own, seizes the most trivial materials that he mixes with the noblest, crosses eras without being afraid of anachronism ...

This book, illustrated by 260 photographs of works and studio, as well as by various working documents, is supported by critical analyzes aimed at shedding light on the evolutions and trends of Théo Mercier's production.


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