Lettre d'information

Georges Folmer, 1895-1977 - Catalogue raisonné (English Edition)

Georges Folmer (1895-1977) - Editions Illustria - 320 pages - Textes en English - Publié en 2015

This catalogue raisonné reveals the rigorous and tenacious journey of the artist Georges Folmer 1895-1977. From his figurative and multidisciplinary training in the Nancy Fine Arts School to his purest Geometric abstraction art.

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Référence 9782354040574
Artiste-Genre Georges Folmer (1895-1977)
Auteur(s) Collectif
Editeur(s) Illustria
Nb. de pages 320
Langue English
Dimensions 320 x 240
Date parution 2015
Poids 2.470

Renowned curators, art historians at the Sorbonne, passionate teachers as well as distinguished collectors ... all have contributed to the building of this book. Their critical analysis of the works of Folmer confirm the prominent place of this artist, attached to the first circle of Herbin in modern art of the twentieth century .

The many museum acquisitions also demonstrate a recognized reputation. This catalogue raisonné is enhanced by a range of critical and testimonies which raise it to a level of high quality.


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