Lettre d'information

Exhibition catalogue Decorative furnishings and Objets d'art, Louvre Museum

Decorative arts, Louvre Museum - Editions RMN - Hardcover - 568 pages - Textes en English - Publié en 2014

Over two hundred and fifty masterpieces from one of the most magnificent eras in the decorative arts are featured in this book, ranging from the splendors of courtly art under Louis XIV to the dazzling creations inspired first by Madame de Pompadour under Louis XV and then by Queen Marie-Antoinette under Louis XVI.

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Référence 9782757206034
Artiste-Genre Decorative arts, Louvre Museum
Auteur(s) Under the direction of Jannic Durand
Editeur(s) RMN
Format Hardcover
Nb. de pages 568
Langue English
Dimensions 440 illustrations
Date parution 2014
Poids 3.608
Musée Louvre Museum
Référence-EAN13 9782757206034

A broad perspective on interior decoration, luxury goods, and the art market is offered through lavish furniture by the likes of André-Charles Boulle and Charles Cressent during the Régence, through extravagant dinner services, and through the magnificent porcelain and tapestries produced by the royal manufactories, constituting a "moment of perfection in French art" that lasted until the Revolution.

The Louvre's new rooms devoted to seventeenth- and eighteenth-century decorative arts opened in May 2014. Some two thousand items are displayed in nearly twenty thousand square feet of exhibition space, representing one of the world's finest collections of furnishings and objets d'art from the reign of Louis XIV through that of Louis XVI.

The new galleries are organized chronologically and are punctuated by spectacular period rooms that recreate the magnificent wood-paneled interiors of lavish residences and princely palaces in eighteenth-century Paris. These reconstitutions of a bygone period provide the setting for truly remarkable objets d'art from the Louvre's Department of Decorative Arts-now placed in their original intellectual and material context, these items recreate a vanished atmosphere and finally reveal their full meaning as well as their full beauty.


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