Lettre d'information

Outsider Art in Canada

Outsider Art - Editions 5 Continents - Hardcover - 208 pages - Textes en English - Publié en 2024

This volume, dedicated to expressions of outsider art made in Canada, has the primary aim of reaching and raising awareness of this theme among the widest possible readership.

Expédié sous 3 à 6 jours

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Notes et avis clients

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Référence 9791254600375
Artiste-Genre Outsider Art
Auteur(s) Linda Rainaldi
Editeur(s) 5 Continents
Format Hardcover
Nb. de pages 208
Langue English
Dimensions 286 x 225
Date parution 2024

The book gives a voice to artists who, until recently, were excluded from the traditional art world because their work did not conform to the ideologies of established art institutions. Outsider art reflects a territory of cultural production that gives meaning and visibility to creative practices that are independent of formal training, recognised artistic movements and current trends.

Outsider art is said to exist only because of cultural elitism and class differences, where the margins are defined by the centre. The social marginalisation of its representatives, often due to mental health problems, has led to their exclusion from the contemporary art world.

This book, which invites viewers to abandon myths and stereotypes about the origins of creativity and to support the work of self-taught creators expressing themselves in unique ways, tackles the themes of social justice, diversity and integration in the art world.


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