Lettre d'information

Junya Ishigami. Freeing Architecture

Junya Ishigami - Editions Fondation Cartier - Softback - 320 pages - Textes en English - Publié en 2018

Lightness, transparency, simplicity, and communion with nature are Japanese architect Junya Ishigami’s watchwords. In his architectural masterworks, which he compares to landscapes, he eliminates the boundaries between exterior and interior space. 

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Référence 9782869251335
Artiste-Genre Junya Ishigami
Auteur(s) Texts by Junya Ishigami
Editeur(s) Fondation Cartier
Format Softback
Nb. de pages 320
Langue English
Dimensions 360 x 260
Technique(s) 150 color and black-and-white reproductions
Date parution 2018
Musée Fondation Cartier pour l’art contemporain, Paris

For the Fondation Cartier pour l’art contemporain, Junya Ishigami designed an exhibition that reveals, on an unprecedented scale, his latest research into freedom, fluidity, and the future of architecture. On the occasion of this exhibition, presented in 2018, the Fondation Cartier published a book retracing the genesis of the project, including mixed photographs, drawings, models, and all the poetry inherent to Ishigami’s work.

Exhibition Junya Ishigami, Freeing Architecture, Fondation Cartier pour l’art contemporain, Paris. From March 30 to September 9, 2018.


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